Welcome to our group to build a safer and more succesful future for the underprivilidged children and women of Nepal. With your membership fee we can acquire e.g. rice, hygiene products and school supplies for children. Did you know that with 10 euros you can get one school uniform or enough chalk for one class for the whole school year? 

TYour support is priceless for us - join now and make a change!

"Together we can do more!"


1. Transfer a membership fee of 10 euros to Namaste Dreams' account

IBAN: FI10 4503 0010 4900 21


2. Kirjoita viestikenttään ”jäsenmaksu”

You can also pay in cash at our store in Tallipiha or during our showcasing events.


1. Transfer a membership fee of 10 euros to Namaste Dreams' account

IBAN: FI10 4503 0010 4900 21


2. Kirjoita viestikenttään ”jäsenmaksu”.

3. In about a week you will recieve an email, that you've been added to Namaste Dreams' list of members. This does not obligate you in any way.

You can also pay in cash at our store in Tallipiha or during our showcasing events.

Nonprofit organization founded in 2018 that works towards improving the quality of life of the underprivilidged in Nepal by supporting work and education.


Fill out the contact for if you have questions or if you'd like us to be in touch with you. We'll reply you as soon as possible. If you want us to contact you by phone, write down your number as well.

Copyright ©2022 Nepal Namaste Dreams ry. All rights reserved.